Tuesday, September 13, 2011

things I miss.


Just got a text from Em C that said she was at Panera...*sigh*  Haha - NOT that Panera is the biggest thing on my "miss list" ;)...although it is weird the places you miss when you go to a different country...McDonalds, anyone?  Never thought I'd say that, huh?  ...It's because I'm kidding.  That's gross.

But more than places, it's obviously the "miss" of having best friends in close proximity so you can go to places like Panera and local coffee shops to catch up and encourage one another.  I miss Heather and "the Emilys."  Weekly tea/coffee morning dates with my girls, often sitting on the floor :) The gathering of fellowship and family at Immanuel.  Care group get-togethers.  Being able to see family on a more-regular basis [or at least having more of an option].  Hanging out with people who have known J and I together from the very beginning of things, and know how to speak into our marriage. Having older, wiser women setting an example and challenging me to grow in godliness. 

At the same time, I am grateful to be able to say that I miss these things - it means we have been abundantly blessed :)  And I am very grateful for the blessings in friendship that we have been given here in Grenada, as well. The Lord never ceases to provide!

I just wanted to post a few of these things before I head out the door to campus to pick up our weekly purchase of 30 [!] eggs from the egg man that comes every Tuesday :) By the way - we had an incredible story of walking home last night through flash floods: imagine cockroaches and little frogs all over your feet, your dress instantly turning into the Catwoman suit, and watching your flip flops float down a brown river of rain and sewage water twice, and then watching your husband run to rescue them.  Yup. THAT, my friends, was what happened to us last night after a nice Italian dinner out to celebrate the end of J's unified exams [he thinks he did well :) ].  I should have taken pictures, but we had Justin, Ryan and Marieke waiting for us on our porch to finish watching Batman Begins.  Everything turned out fine...Oh, Grenada :)


  1. :) miss you too sweet friend!

  2. You are precious. Always missed! And hello Regina for some reason I think your blog page got "cached" in my browser, so when I checked your blog I didn't see new posts for like a month, ha! Anyhoo, I trust all is well and hope for a phone date soon too Lord willing. Much love in Christ...SEEK HIM!
