Monday, September 26, 2011

frog in the house! ...frog in the house?!

Oh dear.

The excitement never ends, does it?
Mondays are cleaning days - AKA, there is a maid who comes and cleans the kitchen, bathroom and I think that's it, and so when I went into the bathroom I was looking more closely than usual at the floor to admire the cleanliness...but I noticed a "wad" looking thing on the floor close to the sink.  Is that a roach?  Oh pleeaassee tell me its not a roach...I won't be able to handle it! [I've lived twice too many times with roaches...I'm done!]

Upon further inspection, I realized that no, it was not a roach [praise the Lord] but it was a FROG.

Since J wasn't home to be the man willing to touch it, what was I to do??  Fortunately, I had a spare glass jar from a finished peanut butter after having a mini photoshoot [because seriously, how often does this happen?  Actually, don't answer that.  I'm hoping this is the only time...] I got the jar and coaxed little frogman into it.  It took two tries, but once he caught the smell of freedom, he decided to cooperate. 

A few more pictures later, and frogdude was outside at last. 

Usually I name things, but alas, I was at a loss for this little guy.  Although he was pretty cute, he was also inside my house, and therefore, less desirable...

Poor little fella even had some fuzz on him...but I wasn't going to help him THAT much...
 For everyone's peace of mind, I boiled water and sanitized this jar  :)
I just went to check if he was gone for good, and I think I caught him mid-jump - he looked very guilty spread-out, closer to my door.  Does he think this is funny?? We are NOT friends...and we are only willing to host humans! *sigh*  I do want to know how he got in in the first place though....hmmm.
There will be a follow-up post if I discover frogguy bounding around the bathroom the meantime, any suggestions for names??

In other news, J's midterms are next week, so please be praying for him as he studies this week!!!

Disclaimer: This is sad.
So when I left to deliver dinner to my hus on campus, McFrog was in the same spot I had last him...but this time, he looked really weird.  Upon closer inspection, it looked like his whole back end had shriveled up.
This leads me to the following conclusion:  Froggie McFly hopped into the sudsy chemical-laden mop bucket of the cleaning lady and was accidently distributed via the mop into our bathroom.  Either the cleaning lady didn't notice, or she was too freaked out to get rid of him, and that's why I saw him today.  At that point, he had already been exposed to too many chemicals and was well on his way to his end.  Even after looking more closely at my pictures, I can see that he has more than the one hair on him [and that looks like it was wrapped around him], I can some other fuzzies as well.  This only further supports my hypothesis.  [Look at that big word!] 
RIP, Frogster.  I hope my attempts at saving your life gave you a bit of joy in the very end.

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