Sunday, September 11, 2011

SGU game-style.

Happy Sunday one and all! I realize that there have been no pics of J and I [or just J, for that matter] but honestly, his natural habitat [his "desk" and the library] doesn't leave much to be photographed, and when we HAVE done fun things, I never have my camera *sigh*...I really have to be intentional about bringing it to things...which is why I brought it with me to school today, because I had another realization that although I've almost been here a month [whoa!] I haven't posted any pics of SGU.  
So finally, here are some snippets of the school and my hus, and we are going to play the "What's J looking at?" game.  Maybe not grammatically correct, but fun times guaranteed. Trust me.

 What's he looking at?
 That's right...this is one of the points off can walk out and look down at the crashing waves - today's ocean was especially choppy - it's been very windy/rainy/cooler! favorite :)
Another view from a little further back... Keep studying, dude on the right...I personally wouldn't get anything done, but I guess that's why I'm not the one in med school...among other reasons ;)
The Chancellery...I have no idea what happens in there, but I think its one of the prettiest buildings on campus :) and it's right next to the building where the CSA [Christian Student Association] services are held.
 Alumni Building...J thinks his dad used to study there...
 Oop!  J spotted one of his favorite snacks hanging in a tree next to the Alumni Building...
 Everyone with me now: "What's J looking at?" 
 Papayas with the sun peeking through :)  I was happy with this shot :)
This is the security stop/entrance to campus.  We pass this every day when we come in and leave.  You can see some buses passing through...
I think our apartment is somewhere in the hills in the distance...but my sense of direction is also horrible, so maybe not...
I leave you with a pic of J and one-eyed Jill...
[there was a better one of us, but we were also really shiny with sweat. Yesss :) ]  
I hope everyone is rejoicing in Christ today, and every day for that matter.  
Love to all from our little piece of Caribbean paradise :)


  1. YAYEE! finally a pic of the two of you together! I love it!!

  2. haha he does exist. you didn't just leave us to go spend time on the beach by your lonesome. miss you guys. lets plan a skype event soon!!
