Thursday, September 22, 2011

bite size bananas.

Hello All -

I feel like I don't have much to report as of late, but watch this morph into one of my longest posts ever ;)  I just finished making J some lunch to be delivered to campus at 12: BBQ chicken with onions and noodles, a cheesy bread sandwich [a V family staple in Lou], the last of the sugar cookies, and a bite size banana...which J specifically asked be featured on our blog :)  So here are some pictures of what Grenadians call "figs" - really, they are very small versions of our American size banana.  Apparently they are sweeter and denser than normal bananas, but I actually like them!  Praise the Lord that I can finally add a fruit to my diet [because apples and grapes are out of the question here] :)

See how small??

Yesterday I went back to the LIMES program.  This time I was in the reading/coloring section [in the shade!!], and spent most of my time divvying out crayons, reading Pretty Pony Popstars, and listening to Hercules.  I was very encouraged by the older kids' reading skills as I've noticed the school systems here aren't really up to snuff.  
I finished the day with my Ephesians Bible study on campus and then some FaceTime chat with Jessi V [and Baby E appeared briefly...cracking up at himself for waking up so late in the night...hilarious!]  For a new momma she has quite the stamina - we talked til 12am and I was falling asleep while she seemed completely unfazed :) It is such a blessing to have technology!!!

People often ask what I do every day here, and all I can say is that I am never bored.  Between waking up, making breakfast, sending J off, reading the Word, listening to some sermons while I make lunch and dinner [often simultaneously so I don't have to run back and forth between home and campus more than necessary], hitting the gym, hanging out with Marieke and others, going to the store as needed, attending LIMES or the orphanage, reading other books/articles online, and chatting with people on phone dates, I feel like I have VERY full days.  I also don't want to be busy for busy's sake - that seems a waste to me.  I don't ever want to feel like I need to fill all my time just to keep my mind off the fact that I don't get to see my husband as often, or this isn't the ideal place for me to live.  I don't know if those are truly motivators for other people, but I am relishing in the fact that I am able to dive deeper into scripture, listen to podcasts, and able to spend time with others as much as I am here - I never had that time at home, and it has already been such a blessing.  I have been able to meditate on God's goodness so much more easily now that I actually take the time out to DO it!  I also desire to be well equipped for my husband who does not have this kind of time - I love being able to share things that I am learning/have heard/read with him - and this encourages him as well. 

Well folks, I'm off to campus, then the gym, then grocery shopping and then baking some cookies for another fund raiser bored ;)  Love to all!
PS...J got an "A" in his Bioethics class!! Praise the Lord! One class down, and a great grade earned :) Keep him and his studies in your prayers!!! :)

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