Monday, September 19, 2011

kayaks and nutmeg.

J had his Bioethics final today [one med school class down!!!] so we all ventured to the pool again.  He had been talking about using our kayaking privileges for a while, so he was super excited to get back to the University Club again [so many perks to being a married student :) ].  This was my first time kayaking, and I have to admit that it was pretty fun - although J informed me that we were on very calm waters, and in very "easy" kayaks since they were ocean kayaks, and therefore nothing like his river kayak, so I don't know if I'm  hardcore enough for REAL kayaking, but I liked what I experienced today :) 
The water was crystal clear, so we saw a lot of black sea urchins, some orange coral "trees" and a huge grouping of sea kelp - it was very, very pretty. We sat out in our kayaks for a while, soaked our feet and just talked :)  It was really relaxing and a good break from studying again...even though one of us looked very silly, and it wasn't me...Check it:
 Barely holding it together...
 "I get to wear my hat AND a cool life jacket?? Yesss!"
Transition lenses: Check. 
Fisherman Hat: Check.
Life jacket: Check.
Chaco Tan Lines: Check.
Disregard for Anyone's Definition of "Cool": Check.
 Mr. and Mrs. V. Go Kayaking.  One is happy the other is indifferent.  But things can change...
Oh honey, you're so strong :)
 And now some random flora for your enjoyment.
 I believe this is Bougainvillea - the name of a flower and our apartment complex :)'s not.  I just looked up Bougainvillea and this is not it.  I don't know what it is, but it's pretty...

 Justin, Ryan and Marieke.  Two are hard at work. One is not.
 Nutmeg tree!!! Nutmeg is grown on trees!  I didn't know that, did you??
And one for the road...
The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. Psalm 19:1

Keep it reggae, folks. Much love.


  1. woo! love this post too! I'm glad someone was around to take pics of you two kayaking together. Both of you in the same picture! that doesn't happen much :)
    Also- love the flower pics!
    And Psalm 19- I read it this morning in fact :) did you too, since it's the 19th?

  2. Haha no it just came to mind while looking around :) we're almost done with our Bible in a year plan :)
