Wednesday, January 25, 2012

tires & the continuing adventures of E & M.

Today we had to get a new tire for the car. 

When J and I came walking home from our ice cream milkshake/ walk on the beach, we noticed that one of our back tires was flat. Well, it was COMPLETELY flat by this morning. In the middle of a load of laundry, Marieke and I took it to the local gas station where we filled it back up only to hear a fairly loud " pfffff" the minute we were done. Three different guys were very eager to help us, and even offered to put a plug in since "the tire is still good" (it has NO tread left to it, by the way) but we declined and went to our car rental friend across the street, Devon. He told us that he would call around and try to find us a good deal on new tires, but there were none to be found. He said our next best option was to get a used tire to replace the one that was quickly becoming flat again, so that is what we did (after he pumped air into it AGAIN - only about 20 minutes after the first time.) 

So we headed on down Maurice Bishop Highway to Broado's tires where we were able to get a new used tire. We had to walk to the bank while the guy put it on though, because (of course) they didn't take cards. And really, that should have been a no-brainer to me - the place is literally a shack with a storage bin full of tires in the back. But the guy was very nice, and we were also able to buy some local oil down from one of his friends that showed up with some to sell in the back of his van (anywhere other than here would deem that "sketchy," but that is honestly how a lot of businesses operate...) 

Once home, I finished up laundry, made lunch for J (who was very excited about oil down), and then worked on my 1 Peter "mini lesson" for tonight. I made some chocolate chip cookies as well and then the cleaning crew arrived. I made dinner, took a shower and hung out with Marieke for a while before the girls came over. It was fun to see some new faces and a good time to have some fellowship, cookies, and the Word :) I'm really looking forward to what this term will hold! 

All in all, it was a very full day and I am beat now. But just to follow up on last night's post: we had a really wonderful date last night - great milkshakes, a walk on the beach looking up at the amazing canopy of stars, and then home for Pride &Prejudice:) My husband is so obliging (and he likes it, even if it isn't Braveheart :) ) I don't really have anything planned for tomorrow, but then again, I didn't have much planned for today besides laundry and look how that turned out :) I need to make some phone calls and send some emails, and beyond that we shall see :) Hope all is well state-side....much love.

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