Saturday, January 21, 2012

naps. sun. cooking.

Well, everyone in my house is currently sleeping, and I've been up for about an hour and a half now.  Ever since J has needed to be up early for school, I can't seem to sleep past 6:30am.  This isn't a bad thing, but somehow it has morphed me into an old lady who can barely keep her eyes open past 10am...that right folks, I am now a napper.  I don't know how my husband does it, but most days [unless he comes home for lunch] he makes it through fine...but me?  No...I need that nap. 

To make myself feel better, I'm attributing it to sun exposure and constant states of meal cooking.  Yes, that's it.
That's not what this post is about, that is just a general summary of my life at the moment.  
Naps. Sun. Cooking.

This weekend is a busy one: tomorrow there is a the cookout after the CSA service, and since Ryan is one of the co-presidents, the household was all assigned various duties for meal and drink prep.  J will  be cooking the meat on the grill [I'm really not sure if he was assigned that, or eagerly volunteered...] and I am in charge of drinks...aka, a big cooler full of lemonade and gallons of water.  I also need to make a side dish that I just forgot about until just now...but it should be a good time.  Then, tomorrow night is a pizza meet-and-greet for first termers and the people leading Bible studies this term.  I'm looking forward to meeting more people - it's so awesome to be on "this side of things" and actually know information about Grenada/'s weird being the source of information, but it feels good to find that I actually do know some things.

I've been working on ideas for fundraisers this term, and we are most definitely going to kick off the fundraising with a big Valentine's Day Bake Sale - complete with wrapped goodies with heart shaped tags explaining where the money is going :)  I'm excited. I might suggest having a movie night fundraiser before Feb. 14, but that will be our BIG event to start it off, I think. I'm also looking into an Ice Cream Fundraising Social that auctions off photos that many of the SOs have taken  - I mean, we are the ones who really get to see the island after all...I think good photography could sell really well :)  Anyway, that's just a few updates on our weekend...J has two finals next week [Monday and Tuesday] and then he starts his "real" term 2 classes - pray for him!  He will be studying all weekend in between grilling meats and eating food I cook :)  If anyone has suggestions for fundraising things, please pass it along :)

Love to all.

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