Thursday, January 12, 2012


Well, it's official.

I am a blogger.  You can't have 100 posts and NOT be a blogger [too many negatives? Ah well...I said I was a blogger, not a writer!] So, here I am.  Never thought I would make it this far.  Seriously.  I had all the hopes and dreams of being diligent to post on a blog, but I never thought I would really do it.  Hats off to 100!  

There really isn't much to say except that I finished two of the three books I was reading two days ago, ha!  It's been great to read so much before everything starts up again [next week].  If I can leave you all with anything today [it being my 100th post and all], I leave you with this:  
If you cannot read any book but one this year, read The Triumph of John and Betty Stam.  
 I wish I could be more compelling, but it was such an encouragement to me [and to J - he read it, too].  If it says anything, I read it all in one day [except the first two chapters] determined to get done with it in one sitting so I could soak it all in.  It brought joy and conviction to my soul - what a testimony that a young married couple's story can span almost 100 years and still be so compelling and God-glorifying!  Praise the Lord for those who have gone before us to share the gospel, and the recount of their lives in books/articles, etc!  I am very grateful!  It is no longer in print [see? another compelling reason to get it while you can!], but there are some cheaper used options on Amazon.  You might want to hunt around elsewhere as well - but you should own this book!!! It will be money well spent, and you can lend it out to others!  I want all of you to let me know when you buy it...I'll be waiting to hear... ;)

Here is a snippet of John Stam's Class Address for Moody Bible College when he graduated in 1932, as applicable today as it will be until Christ returns:

"This bewildered age needs to know that only 'the foundation of God standeth sure.' Many a man is being torn loose, these days, from the things to which his heart has clung.  It is ours to show the incorruptible riches which bank failures and economic conditions cannot touch.  It is ours to show, in the salvation of our Lord Jesus Christ, and in the personal communion with Him, a joy unspeakable and full of glory that cannot be affected by outside circumstances..."

And one more thing...the poem that was a favorite of John and Betty's (written by E. H. Hamilton upon hearing of Missionary Jack Vinsen's martyrdom)

"Afraid? Of what?"

To feel the spirit's glad release?
To pass from pain to perfect peace,
The strife and strain of life to cease?
Afraid? Of that?

Afraid? Of what?
Afraid to see the Saviour's face,
To hear His welcome, and to trace,
The glory gleam from wounds of grace,
Afraid? Of that?

Afraid? Of what?
A flash - a crash - a pierced heart;
Brief darkness - Light - O Heaven's art!
A wound of His a counterpart!
Afraid? Of that?

Afraid? Of what?
To enter into Heaven's rest,
And yet to serve the Master blessed?
From service good to service best?
Afraid? Of that?

Afraid? Of what?
To do by death what life could not -
Baptize with blood a stony plot,
Till souls shall blossom from the spot?
Afraid? Of that?

O Lord, give me a heart that fears not man, but delights in knowing You!
Happy Thursday, everyone! Rejoice in the hope that God has given to those who trust in Him!

1 comment:

  1. That poem is awesome!
    I'm so glad you're a blogger because I LOVE reading it! Congrats on making it to 100! :)
    Let's talk to soon!
    Love you, sweet friend!
