Friday, October 21, 2011

night at the art auction.

Last night was one of the coolest fundraisers I have ever attended.  I found out earlier this week that there was going to be an art auction for the two orphanages that the SOs work with: the Queen Elizabeth Home and Bel Air.  The art was painted by the kids during one of their "beach days," which the OSO [Orphanage Student Organization] organizes for the kids every week.  Marieke and I go to Bel Air Home twice a week [Tuesdays and Thursdays] to work with three of the older girls who have very little reading skills, and it has been cool to get to know them and figure out the best ways to help them.  Both orphanages have been able to get a lot of their funding from fundraisers like this one, so when I heard the art auction was to benefit them, I was excited to go.

OSO put on the event.  It was held under a large tent at the end of campus, in front of the "Caribbean House," which has, on its opposite side, a beautiful view of the ocean.  A neighbor and I ended up catching the same bus to campus, so we arrived together.  There was a slide show going of all the children holding their individual paintings.  I recognized many of them from Bel Air, but since I have never been to the other orphanage, I didn't know a few.  Music created the atmosphere to roam around and check out the art that was laid beside its corresponding "bidding" sheet. 
There were tables full of wine, cheese and crackers, as well as coffee and homemade goodies [I was able to snag one of the last pumpkin spice muffins with cream cheese frosting! YUM! What a perfect compliment to an art auction ;) ] The Caribbean house itself had been decorated with tapestries, candles, and twinkle lights, transforming it into a coffee shop of sorts.  Musicians sang, poets read, and piano players played throughout the night.  I would guess that there were about 250 people that showed up overall.  It was a nice set up in that you did not have to stay the whole time to see if you won, you were able to leave your bid with your email and they would contact you later.  However, since I [and other SOs] had all the time in the world, I was able to stay until the end - and yes! I won my painting! :) I wish I had brought my camera to take pictures of the whole thing, but I thought that since it was art done by the kids, and the orphanages seem to be rather sensitive about pictures, I shouldn't snap photos; however, I don't think it would have been a problem, and since this fundraiser is held every semester, I will be sure to get pictures then :)

After winning my painting, Natalie, her husband Jade, Sarah and I headed into the "coffee shop" since we still had a half hour to wait for our bus home :)  We listened to a girl sing "Drops of Jupiter," and then we were able to listen to a great piano piece by another girl.  It was wonderful to say the least.  I think last night showed me how "art-starved" I have been here: no shows to go to, no random art pieces hanging on a local coffee shop wall, no street performers, etc.  I was soaking it all in, and I've got to say I was very, very impressed by OSO's creativity and final production.  We left after the piano performance and I met Jonathan at the bus stop.  I told him all about it, and hopefully he will be able to come to the one next semester - I know I will :) 

J has no classes today, and since the Grenadian Thanksgiving is on Tuesday, Marieke and I are throwing a "Fall Festival" on Monday night [pictures and post will follow, obviously] and we have a long weekend of sorts [he still has class on Monday, but only for a little] so this weekend is full of possibilities :) Hope all is well with everyone - soak in the glory of art and music! Much love.

1 comment:

  1. yayee! sounds like great fun! I want to see the painting you won!
    Have a great Thanksgiving and a fun Fall Festival :) Miss you
