Wednesday, October 5, 2011

morning meditations.

Just in case you can't read what this says, after Job has suffered long and the Lord is answering him: 
"Or who shut in the sea with doors
when it burst out from the womb,
when I made clouds its garment
and thick darkness its swaddling band, 
and prescribed limits for it
and set bars and doors, 
and said, "Thus far shall you come, and no farther,
and here shall your proud waves be stayed?"
Job 38: 8-11
I wasn't actually reading Job this morning, but I love this verse, and it pops into my head every time I see the ocean...I just think of how the Lord has orchestrated all things, and who are we to question His ways when He has even ordained the limits of the waters??  Awesome.
So since I found myself at the beach this morning with a blanket, camera, journal and the Word, I figured it was a good picture in which to include it :)  Note:  I also found "fall"-like nutmeg leaves...I've collected some and plan to make something with them.  If it is cool, I will post about it.  If not, this is the last time you will hear of it ;)

 I chose to walk through the resort that my parents will be staying at on my way to the beach...the main road through it is lined with these lamp posts.  It reminded me of St. James court and Narnia all at the same time :)
 Another Narnia-esque thing, haha...I didn't check out the Fantasy Pool, because well....
 I ran into this one instead...opening to the beach.  This one's for you,'re going to come here!
 A silly attempt at a serious self portrait with my ridiculous sun hat with which I have a love/hate relationship [for no reason other than to prove that I was the one taking these pictures] but you can see my view from my blanket behind me...
 And oh ho ho! Look who it is!  Is this a relative to a dog whose name begins with "Jane" and ends with "Lou"?  
Judging by his proximity, even when I shooed it away...he must be a direct relative ;)

Anyway, I decided to finally venture to the beach for a morning.  I never do this, and its only a 5 minute walk or so from my house.  It was a great way to revel in creation and spend time in the Word.  I've realized my need to cultivate more thankfulness in being here, as this past week or so has been a lot harder than usual.  This morning was a glorious reminder of the Lord's steadfast lovingkindness towards J and I, and that it is surrounding us always.  

Hilarously enough, I was going to start posting a picture a day of something I am thankful for, and when I checked my blogs this morning, I saw that Ashley is doing the same!  So...I promise I'm not copying ;)  Well, even if I am, it is a great idea!  So...I will try to do it...

J took another midterm today, and his hardest one [Anatomy] is on Friday, so please keep him in your prayers!  

I leave you with this...may it be in our hearts continually if we are in Christ:
"Your words were found, and I ate them,
and your words became to me a joy
and the delight of my heart,
for I am called by Your name, 
O LORD, God of hosts."
Jeremiah 15:16

Much love.


  1. LOVE your posts :) love to hear about your life.

    Sorry I took your idea-- please go right ahead and post some pics :)

    i'm so behind on reading your blog- i'll get caught up someday!

  2. Ah, it IS the island Jane dog! How unfortunate that you didn't have pillows to build a barricade between you :-) Man, dogs just know that you love them! Can't wait to talk with you friend!
