Sunday, October 2, 2011

black & white & beach all over.

Today has been a strange day.  Good, but strange.  It has been a rainy day, and right now it is pouring sporadically off and on outside, so the breeze is awesome.  
This morning was church and then Marieke and I left to meet Natalie to go to Belmont Estates.  Apparently, there is a chocolate factory and farm things up there...chocolate and goat cheese - what more can a girl ask for?  Needless to day, it was something all of us had been looking forward to all week, and so rain was not going to deter us!
We hopped on a bus to get downtown and found ourselves in a deserted market.  And by deserted, I mean there was like, maybe 5 people total downtown.  It was a VERY strange, but kind of cool.  To make this story short, we were informed that we would not be able to get to Belmont Estates on a Sunday as the buses we needed would not be running.  This was contrary to information we had been given, but after discussing it with a taxi driver who was charging more money then we were willing to spend, and watching the clock tick away with no other bus in sight, we decided to come back and hang out at my apartment.  
Well, I was feeling sorry for us and our lack of chocolate, so I suggested we go pick some up from the grocery store, and while we were at it, we decided to go ahead and walk to BBC Beach, which none of us had ever been to but we had seen it off the road.  It was pretty cool - the rain was keeping it fairly cool [except when it stopped and the humidity would spike until the next cloud burst] so we just walked around and took a few pictures...I am going to share my favorites that I edited in black and white.  I'm surprised that I haven't done that yet, but here we are now.
View of BBC Beach from the road...
 Candid shot of Natalie.  Reminds me of my photography projects my freshman year of college.
 Love this...good timing, bird.
 Boat again.
 Stairs leading up to a house RIGHT on the beach...waves crashing against it and everything.  THAT close.
 An old boat, something I thought J might appreciate a picture of...sure enough, there was an immediate, "Oh, that's cool" when he saw this :) Called it.

And now, some awesome color contrast doors and things I found - I LOVE these color schemes :)

And a large frog...actually, this doesn't even touch some of the frogs I've seen...but Natalie was brave enough to stick her foot close for comparison.

Anyway, turned out to be a good, unplanned day :)  We then came back to my place and had coffee and some cookies and talked for a while before we all dispersed to make dinner for the husbands :) 

Well, J is home now so we are going to go to bed for him to get up early for his first midterm tomorrow!  Please be praying for him this week!! Love to all.

1 comment:

  1. Everything is so beautiful! Excepting the frog of course. How I would love to do chocolate and coffee with you today! Let's catch up soon, love you friend!
