Monday, November 14, 2011

a little bit of this, a little bit of that.

So I am currently sitting in the library, surrounded by hard working students whilst I type away, read books of my choice, and surf the web...and while I was walking to said library, I was able to look out onto a beautiful ocean and a sky full of clouds outlined in gold. Don't feel too sorry for me ;)

It hit me in a wonderful way how extremely blessed I am to be here and how unusual and awesome this experience really is. I remember thinking about Grenada before I actually got here...looking at the website for SGU, pondering the island life I was to be a part of if J didn't get into a stateside school...but I never really thought I'd be here...and then tonight all those preconceived notions I had had came flooding back to me as I gazed out to the wonderful blue, and took in all the sounds of the waves crashing against the rock cliffs...Mmmmm, the LORD is good, and His ways are far above my own.

As much as I miss home, its hits me now and again (especially when I focus on gratitude and the God glorifying creation around me) that this is a wodnderful place, full of great things to behold and great lessons to be learned. As much as we would love to be with friends and family, we are learning the benefit of living where we have been placed, and living to the hilt. I don't want to return home full of regrets because I was too bitter to see the glories to be had where God placed me. I've done that one too many times, and so I will stay in my constant battle against "wishing it all away" because the LORD has been so faithful thus far, and I could tick off so many reasons why we needed to be right here, right now, in Grenada. I don't know what the LORD has for the rest of this journey, in fact, I don't even know what He has for tomorrow, but I leave it in His hands, because HE knows...and knows it BEST.

A few updates on what MAY be coming, LORD willing, next term:
Marieke and I signed up to co-lead the women's Bible study, and 1 Peter looks like the game plan. Ever since committing to this, it feels more and more daunting. Not only have I never led a study before...I've never led a study before. That about sums it up, actually. I've never had a group of people coming to something that I have had to pray about and prepare in advance...I've always been on the receiving end, and let me tell you - the receiving end is nice :) But I think the LORD has many a things planned for this gathering, should it happen, and I know that He will continue to grow us in grace as we lead others through His deep, abiding Word. I think this will be a very humbling experience - pray for us!!! And any helpful tips would be greatly appreciated...

And as if THAT weren't enough, I was also made next term's Fundraising Coordinator for the SO Board. Man, talk about getting my feet wet! This will be a new experience, too...but at least I have worked on coordinating events/working with committees before. I have a few ideas bouncing around in my head, and I will attempt to keep everyone updated as my life becomes a busy streak, but I think it's all for the best, and since I've been appointed this position, I want to do it excellently, and for His glory, so pray for me in that, too :)

Well, that about sums things up down here. You all know what J is doing (studying...just in case you didn't catch that he is med school...) and I keep a countdown until finals are over (25 days!) and my hus can have a well deserved, well anticipated break...You know what he wants to do of course??? "I can't wait to READ!! I want to read...3 books..." We shall see :) And of course, we are both so looking forward to my parents and sister coming, followed by the Viola family :) FUN times are to be had!!!!

Hope all is well with those reading this :) Happy November, by the way...time keeps flying even though island time is supposedly slow ;)
Much love, and to those in Christ, grace and peace.

1 comment:

  1. SO excited that you're going to be leading Bible study! I know the Lord has been preparing you for this for a long time, and that He'll direct your studying and preparing! Can't wait to catch up with you friend! I hope you know that your joy and contentment is a huge encouragement, even to those who are still here in the same place we've always been :-) Love you!
