Tuesday, November 22, 2011

happy 21st birthday, mama.

This is my public birthday e-card to my Mom, for whom I am very grateful :)

I am grateful to be your daughter, through and through.  My habits/interests/passions only continue to reveal that I am truly my mother's daughter :)  I love that we share a passion for books and reading in general [although I still think you fit more reading time in than me somehow], a love of coffee, chocolate, art, and the more eclectic [finer] things in life.  I will never forget that little Amstelveen cafe with all the marzipan behind the counter, and the chocolates on a decadent antique plate that we always got after we would finish our grilled cheese sandwiches [at least that is what I would have].  I think that little place was one of my favorites memories from that time...and my taste in chocolate will never be satisfied by a mere Hershey's bar.

I am thankful that you also love my husband, and have been so supportive in so many ways of his goals and desires. Thank you for praying for him, even before we were married, and for your continued enthusiasm for what the Lord has is store for us.

I am thankful that you and Dad raised me with the gospel in mind - that you emphasized the importance of what God thinks, the importance of holiness and living for His glory in all things, and showing me love even when I was a nasty little [and teenage] twerp.

I am thankful that you are a woman who fears the Lord.  I am beyond excited to know that [Lord-willing] my kids will have good "grandmotherly reinforcement" of the truth and disciplines that J and I will be trying to teach at home - that they will see a woman who has walked through life with much grace and perseverance through her faith and knowledge of God, and one that desires the same for her grandchildren, as she has desired it for her own daughters.

I am thankful to have you as an example of a wife and mom - I  think of all the things you have gone through and continue to go through in life, and I see abundant strength - and I know that that strength has been given to you by God, and He will only continue to grow you as you seek Him.

I think Proverbs 31 always speaks to the ways you are - Dad trusts you [verse 2], you work hard [verse 13], you are making your arms strong - via Curves, haha! [verse 17], you petition on the behalf of orphans, and your concern is for the needy [verse 20], you are clothed with strength and dignity, and you trust that the Lord's plan is working in all things [verse 25], you are full of wisdom [verse 26], you look well to the way of your household, and you are NOT lazy [and in the cleanliness area, you will always have me beat, I'm sure] [verse 27].  "Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: 'Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all.' Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." [29-30]

And above all things, I am thankful that God has given you the grace to see Him for Who He is, to see your tremendous need for Christ's sacrifice for you, that Christ is your Savior, that you live in light of this: holy and pleasing to Him, repenting and seeking Him day after day, and that we will be together forever in eternity when the time comes.

And although you may not be thrilled that you are not indeed 21 for real [but not 57!!! haha]...
He has granted another year - by His grace, for His glory.

That's a nicer way to put it, hey Mom?  ;)
Happy Birthday!!! 
I will have homemade fudge ready for you when you get here! :)

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