Friday, December 9, 2011

cliff jumping.

Wow, well today has been QUITE the day.  J is FINISHED with his first term of medical school and life already feels so different  - what a load off!!! Campus felt suddenly light and free - seriously, it was a amazing.  And after his test, a bunch of us went to get smoothies and then jump off the cliff at the very end of the point of campus.  I didn't bring my camera for obvious reasons, but my friend Andrea was able to snap a couple photos of us.  I was scared silly.  I only jumped twice...the first time J held my hand until we hit the water, the second time I braved it on my own :)  Glad to know I can check cliff jumping off my list of things I've done that were stupid...J calls it "adventurous."

After this, we came home, showered and J took a brief nap and then we headed back to campus to go to dinner with a bunch of people again at a place called Dodgy Dock. There was a jewellery show with small glasses of complimentary champagne, and then we ate $1 wings and healthy, but fun with friends and so nice to feel so relaxed.  We just got back from getting ice cream at the local ice cream joint across the street from our apartment.  So far, Christmas break is looking swell :) Well, it is time for a movie night folks, so here are the pictures from today and be on the lookout for more adventures :)

Holding my hand :) Thanks boo :)
 He looks like a flying squirrel ;)
 Yeah, that's right.  I'm plugging my nose and scared to high heaven.

1 comment:

  1. ahhhh! i can't believe you did this em! very proud of you :)
