So if you must know anything about Grenada, you should know that it has the most random storms ever. Our friends on campus could be chillin' in the sun, while unbeknownst to them we have been caught in a surprise torrential downpour [this is, as a matter of fact, a true story...see photos below].
Sunday morning, as J and I were getting ready to go to the church service on campus, we were caught in such a crazy rain shower that my umbrella blew out the other way, and we were both completely soaked by the end of the hill. Luckily, we eventually got to campus, but we were wet for a good portion of the day.
And now, the moment you have all been waiting for. The long anticipated answer to "When will she finally post pictures of something worthwhile so I can save it as the background of my work computer and motivate myself to go and visit? Her apartment is messy and boring..." Well, patient blog readers, here it is. THE POOL and THE BEACH. The beach is actually not the best beach on the island, but if you think is IS, just wait, there is a better one that I will post pictures of later...promise. The SOs of campus [Significant Others] get access to the University Club pool every Monday and Thursday, so Marieke and I decided to check it out. The Club is actually for Faculty and Staff members only, but I guess they consider us SOs well enough behaved. I'm thankful :)
One side of the pool was completely open to the beach/ was beautiful!
Mmmmm...beachy :)
Marieke checking out the was so warm!
Me...pondering life, unburnt.
Let's just say we will be pretty busy every Monday and Thursday from here on out ;) HOWEVER, while we were at said pool, my sunscreen [apparently] wore off and I got this [and if you look closely, you can see one of the many ginormous bites that I have all over my legs right now...eeee]
I was pretty ticked at myself, especially since I had been telling everyone that a bigger goal of mine was to NEVER get burned [I was SO diligent with sunscreen! I even REAPPLIED!!! Ahh!] But alas, the sun will never cease to remind me that I am as white as they come. So, nerdy sun hat, I guess we must be friends after all :(
On a more fun/informative note, here is some samplings of Grenadian money, "EC" fact: the 5 and 10 cent coins are actually made out of ALUMINUM, so they are SUPER light, and feel completely fake. Below: 5 EC, two different types of 1 EC, two different 5 cent EC, and two [front and back] 10 cent EC....I think you're looking at roughly $2.80 American dollars. And yes, I just calculated that on my phone :)
Ok well, that's all for now kids. I think I'm going to be staying inside tomorrow reading to wear off my burn and not perpetuate it :( We had a pretty full day today, Marieke and I went apartment hunting so that she and her husband and J and I can hopefully all move in together next semester to cut down on some expenses :) How awesome to have provision like that!
And now, the moment you have all been waiting for. The long anticipated answer to "When will she finally post pictures of something worthwhile so I can save it as the background of my work computer and motivate myself to go and visit? Her apartment is messy and boring..." Well, patient blog readers, here it is. THE POOL and THE BEACH. The beach is actually not the best beach on the island, but if you think is IS, just wait, there is a better one that I will post pictures of later...promise. The SOs of campus [Significant Others] get access to the University Club pool every Monday and Thursday, so Marieke and I decided to check it out. The Club is actually for Faculty and Staff members only, but I guess they consider us SOs well enough behaved. I'm thankful :)
Let's just say we will be pretty busy every Monday and Thursday from here on out ;) HOWEVER, while we were at said pool, my sunscreen [apparently] wore off and I got this [and if you look closely, you can see one of the many ginormous bites that I have all over my legs right now...eeee]
On a more fun/informative note, here is some samplings of Grenadian money, "EC" fact: the 5 and 10 cent coins are actually made out of ALUMINUM, so they are SUPER light, and feel completely fake. Below: 5 EC, two different types of 1 EC, two different 5 cent EC, and two [front and back] 10 cent EC....I think you're looking at roughly $2.80 American dollars. And yes, I just calculated that on my phone :)
Ok well, that's all for now kids. I think I'm going to be staying inside tomorrow reading to wear off my burn and not perpetuate it :( We had a pretty full day today, Marieke and I went apartment hunting so that she and her husband and J and I can hopefully all move in together next semester to cut down on some expenses :) How awesome to have provision like that!
looks wonderful!