Saturday, August 20, 2011

tribute to the yuens and pieces of home

Before I ventured off to a foreign piece of land in the middle of the ocean, I was able to join in and witness the glorious wedding of my dearest Alyssa to her Josh :) It was wonderful to be able to spend a good 1.5 weeks with all my favorite women in the world, and the wedding was a blessing on top of it all :) Everything was perfect, very Alyssa-esque, and something I will cherish forever. To give everyone a taste, here are some snippets of the perfect day...
The friends at the rehearsal dinner!
The Soon-to-be-Yuens the day before!
The best girls in the world -
minus Em C who had deserted us by the time we figured we should take a picture ;)
The getting ready day of the wedding!

The gorgeous, perfectly suited dress!
The super cute dance!

The "big girl" pose!
The amazingly awesome Heather and Ward!
The greatest wedding crashing care group known to man!
The token picture of wonderful friends!
The beautiful new mom and my favorite nephew :):)!
The Eli - LOVE this face!!!
And last but not least, the Lydder Bug -
who has made my husband realize that little girls are just as great as little boys :)

All of this makes me want to jump in the car and come see you all! As much as living here is exciting and adventurous, my friends are SO much better. But since no car is available, and driving through the ocean would pose more problems than solutions, I am going to be content with email, Skype, Google Voice, etc...without which I would communication :) I am looking forward to using said technology over the new two years, and beyond, of course :)

To my dearest sisters in Christ: encouragements to my soul, joys to my heart, you know my faults but love [and challenge!] me just the same. I love you all so dearly, and I miss you all so much more than you can ever know. But I am grateful that we "meet to part, and part to meet" and that I will have fellowship with you always - even in eternity...when technology won't even matter :)


  1. so fun!!! I love that caregroup pic!! It's great! and to know that lyds is loved by people all the way down in the place where you live (haha I'm afraid to spell it wrong) warms my heart! WE miss you but are SOOO excited to visit one day!

  2. this is so fun!! love you very much!! about eternity....i was just talking with tim the other day about how life is so weird with people moving and such but how awesome it is that we get to be together forever with our Savior!! and all the saints!! :) so cool :)

  3. LOVE this post, em! i went through your cd the other night and loved every single picture! thank you soooo much. :) like hannnah, i love that caregroup pic haha! best wedding crashers ever!! what a gift to have them there! miss you love you!!

  4. yayy i finally figured out how to comment :)
