Saturday, August 27, 2011

snorkeling and some random tid-bits about grenada.

Yesterday I went snorkeling for the first time in my life. To be honest, the first couple times I went under the water I was hyperventilating, even though none of my gear was malfunctioning or anything. I have no idea why I reacted so strangely since I wasn't panicked or anything, but I guess being able to breathe under water is something you have to get used to. It was an amazing experience, though. I went with a bunch of other SOs and Marieke, Amanda and I became a little snorkel group, pointing things out to each other, etc. :)

I personally saw a lot of "Dory"s [think Finding Nemo here] - a school of them that moved with the strong current - pretty cool, as well as some crazy large sea urchins, some funny looking zebra striped fish with crazy mouths, and some large crabs hiding in the coral reef. It was a really awesome experience. Marieke and I are taking the husbands back today as a little study break for them, and for another experience for us. I'm really excited for J to be able to see it :)

Just a random plug for my hus - he has been so diligent to study since I've been here. He is a very hard worker in general, but I am very proud of how hard he is working in such challenging classes. It is a joy to be able to cook and help in little ways for a man who values my efforts to make his life a little simpler :) I wish we had more time to enjoy things together while we are here, but he wants to go to the beach on the weekends for hour long walks or so, so I will be happy with that [and random outings like today :)] even if that's all we get :) I am not very involved with his studies although I've offered to quiz him, but he has performed some "tests" [muscle tone, reflexes] on me to see if I "check out"...I was fine :)

So I also wanted to include some random Grenadian "life facts" before I forget to do so:
  • EVERYONE honks for EVERYTHING here: to say hi, to acknowledge that a car is near by, to get the attention of people on the side of the road, to say thank you - it is the most bizarre thing, and I am often caught off guard [I wonder how many people have seen me jump because I do it a lot]. At the same time, I feel like I never know when they are being "serious," as in warning or danger. Oh well - I guess they know.
  • Speaking of roads, there are no rules, so driving is rather crazy, and they drive on the opposite sides of the road, so hopefully I don't come back to the states too confused about driving rules ;)
  • People "hiss" here. As in, men hiss at women, etc. Annoying, and it takes a lot for me not to say something [some of my friends know this about me, I have a low tolerance for cat-calling, whistling, etc.]
  • When you are on a bus, you are supposed to knock on the walls/windows of the bus to alert the driver to let you off. That still feels really uncomfortable to me since it seems rude, but usually someone has to get off the bus at the same time as me, so they knock :)
  • EVERYONE wants to give you a ride. I could just be leaving my house, and I get honked at asking if I need a taxi or bus.
  • The market is very interesting, everyone is selling almost the exact same things, I don't really know how anyone makes any money. I will try to do a whole post on the market soon, I just haven't been brave enough to carry my camera around there while also trying to shop - daunting.
I went to an orphanage beach day today, but it was so full of volunteers that the kids were way outnumbered and it was more overwhelming than anything. I've heard that once the semester gets more in full swing, people don't come as often, so I will continue to be involved then when I can actually do something. Well, that's all for now folks.

Much Love.


  1. so fun! i didn't really think about it before but I bet it is hard on you to not really get to experience all of these things with J. I mean he's there but he is kind of removed. hope you guys are doing well. I'll be praying that this week you guys can have some extra sweet time together. oh and p and i just got skype so lets chat soon!!!

  2. oh yeah and if you want to get some lyds eye candy...check out langs blog (langthomasphotography) he took our fam pics.

  3. we both saw them! they are awesome and soo soo cute! I love the one of lyds pulling in your face for a kiss :) Lang did a great job :) our skype name is team.vacek so i will try to get on soon :)
