Friday, August 19, 2011

for real this time, this blog will work!

Family abode: number 21! :)

Hello all :)

This is the 6th post on this blog, but you will never know it since I deleted all the former posts to re-start completely. Basically, the first 5 postings on this blog covered a span of 3 years, and that's just embarassing...

So here I am, ready to start all the way over, and what better time to do it seeing as I no longer work, and I am currently residing in St. George's, Grenada while my husband attends med school. That's right folks, I'm writing from the Caribbean. Now you can tell all your friends you have a vacation hook-up on a random island for the next two years [seriously, we want visitors!]

I don't really feel like recounting the fights here again [I sent out an email to some friends about it], or that fact that I completely missed my last flight's take-off since I was knocked out by motion sickness medication, but everything has gone relatively smoothly thus far :) I've been surprised by the heat - I'm in a constant state of sticky-ness, but it's ok, I'm hoping I get adjusted to the heat quickly and before I know it, I won't even notice it anymore.

I've learned that Grenadians are rather wary of the students here, unfortunately I think our predecessors have laid a poor foundation for us to build upon, so I'm trying to be SUPER friendly to everyone - hopefully that is the right work-around in this situation :) OR I might be known as that "really eager red head" who seems desperate for friends. Oh well...

Here are some pictures of our apartment, just so that those of you who care to see it can picture my locale :) Our apartment here is bigger than the one in Lou, but it definitely "grew" in the pictures I took, haha. Still, it is a great place and right now, my laundry is getting washed right below me in the laundry room, after which I will hang it on the clothes lines in the back to dry in the sun :) God has been so kind to us to give us a great location, internet!!!, new friends, and a great experience to grow and learn to trust Him more and more, I look forward to posting on THAT more...but for now, here is basic, trivial info about where we live :)

This is the living room - obviously, my hard-working hus has been living here for a week and a half before me...I guess this has been made the official "study room" - but there IS space for relief in the form of hosting friends! Look at all that furniture!! :):)
Here is our beautiful wrought iron break-in deterrent...and a little view from our sliding door :)

Our kitchen! Hooray! I love it, it's perfect :) Jessi V - can you spot a sourdough starter?? [it may look a little strange, I made a "barrier" for ants, just in case they decided to invade...none yet though ;) ]

View from our apartment balcony, looking to the left and right, respectively.

Ok, well, off to hang the laundry. Much love!


  1. yay sourdough! :) i did see it and i can't believe you've already started a starter, hehe! we were joking about you having a blogpost by today with pics because you just got there but you did it! you're amazing! praise the Lord!!! looking forward to following your lives and seeing what the Lord has for the vaceks in grenada!!! miss you! love you!

  2. love it! yay for cute window pane like kitchen cabinets and bread from scratch! love you dear one seek Him!

    oh and dont forget to send us pics of when the abode is emilyfied:)nothing like a wifes touch!
