Tuesday, July 10, 2012

back in the saddle again.

So this is my first official day back in Grenada and I've made at least one new friend...the handy-man's dog.  Seriously.  This dog follows me everywhere, tries to walk into the apartment when I come home, and then chills outside my door in the meantime.  The sketchy little dude even pawed on my screen trying to get in...I threatened that he would pay for a broken screen if he tore it...he stopped.

Oh! And I also made an enemy.  Namely, the roach that was IN MY FRIDGE and I killed in cold blood [and cold surroundings]...it makes me sick to even think about it. 
A. How did it get there in the first place?
B. How LONG had it been in there??? [it's COLD!]
C. WHY was it in there?? I mean, what was it doing?? 
Luckily, a friend and neighbor [Amber] was over and came to the rescue by sacrificing her shoe to be the weapon.  Sucker was gone quick, but not after a bit of squealing and "Ew! Gross! Seriously!?!?"s...it was disgusting.

HOWEVER, on a better note, I have thoroughly cleaned the place, and I am currently drying our sheets and other newly cleaned items in our FREE dryers downstairs [after being escorted by fore-mentioned neighbor watch dog...who, by the way, is the most ridiculous looking "guard dog" I've ever seen...who is scared of a mini bear-faced, puffy haired, 25 pound dog? I will try to take a picture soon...]  I went grocery shopping [with Amber] and bought enough food for this week and stocked up on some things for the term.  

Surprisingly, it feels very normal to be back here again.  I even drove to the store and didn't have to think TOO hard about driving on the "wrong" side of the road.  Being back in the grocery store felt very normal - it is great to know where everything is already and the lack of adjustment is very refreshing.  I still hate the heat, but our apartment is very breezy so its actually bearable and even cool at night!  Of course, I really miss home, but its been so nice to be back in a home-place with my J and get settled back in and mentally prepare for the year to come.  He was very sweet when I came home, by the way.  He came to the airport prepared with a dark chocolate bar in the car, white wine in the fridge at home, and surprised me this morning with a goat cheese omelet breakfast in bed [which really is our only option...we only have one chair...] but needless to say, very sweet and I am so grateful for him - he really did a great job setting up the place as best he could before I came :)

So tonight I think I will be making some beef and potatoes since he's been missing out...plus, that can be well-paired with white wine, right?  :)  I miss everyone, always...but know that for now, we are doing well in Grenada.  
Much love.

1 comment:

  1. miss you, dear one! I'm glad that at least there wasn't adjusting to "where do I get this at?" and that you just fit right in like a local :) Praise the Lord for those blessings!
    Hope you've had a good weekend and getting ready for another week! love you!
