Friday, April 27, 2012

less than two weeks!

Well, quick update before I run downtown with a few friends [Marieke, Becca and Nicole] and get the supplies for the orphanages [as well as some souvenirs of my own to bring home :) ]...but its been a pretty chill past two weeks or so.  I had my final bake sale, so all my duties as Fundraising Coordinator are officially over.  I decided not to do the SO Board next term for a variety of reasons, but J also asked me to really consider not doing it, so I am glad about my decision :)  Plus, it will be nice not to be obligated to go to everything next term and kind of just enjoy what is planned without being a part of it all - it may sound lazy, but I am looking forward to that again, haha :)  It was good while it lasted, and I really did love our board this term!

Tomorrow night the SOs are hosting a turtle watching trip to the north of the island.  Right now is egg-laying time, so these huge 100 year old turtles are coming in the middle of the night to lay their eggs on the beach and conservationists are making sure the eggs are not harmed, etc.  We are hoping to be able to spot one if we can, although its not guaranteed.  I wish the men were able to come with us, but unfortunately, only SOs were allowed for space reasons. The trip will be from 6pm-2am!!!! Its going to be a looonnnggg night, and probably even longer [or shorter, I guess...depending] because you know me & my dramamine :)  A two hour bus ride in Grenada would never fly without it ;)

I will try to update after that trip, hopefully with pictures [although we can't use flash, so I don't know what will turn out...]
Anyway, I have LESS than two weeks left now!!!! I am so excited, and even though I started packing last week, this week will be in full swing as Marieke and I try to get some stuff to our friend's house so its not a big rush at the end.  Please be praying for my husband as he studies for his finals - its easy to forget in the excitement of coming home, but he is still in much need of prayer and perseverance and reliance on the Lord.  I am so proud of him, he is such a hard worker and still so intentional with me as well :)  Praise the Lord for allowing him to make the grades he does, study the way he does, etc.  J always reminds me that He enables him to do all those things whenever I tell him I'm proud of him - and I know that, but I'm still proud :)  and grateful, of course :)

Sorry for the sparse updates...really nothing too terribly exciting is going on except preparing to come home to all th people who read this blog anyway :)  Much love from Grenada...and Lord-willing, soon face-to-face!!!

1 comment:

  1. I cannot wait to see you face to face and hug your sweet neck!! Seek HIM, Vacek, seek His presence continually. Much love in Christ!!
