Sunday, March 18, 2012

midterms are OVER!

SO sorry its been such a long time since I have blogged!  As my dad said, he felt "disconnected" I'm sorry for the rest of you who have also been let down!
It's been a pretty long time since I reported on the goings-on in Grenada...but I am MOST glad to report that midterms are OVER! and J has already found out that he made two A's :)  [He will most likely find out the rest of his grades on Monday].  Currently, I am making Dutch Babies for lunch [super easy, google it :) ] and we just got back from campus.  It's been so wonderful to have my husband for the weekend after a week of "good-morning," "good-night" [if I was lucky] interactions :):)
Friday we went snorkeling with Ryan [Marieke got home from the states that night - bringing beer, peanut butter and cheesecake!!! She is awesome!] and wore ourselves out.  We went to dinner at a new restaurant just across the street called Le Chateau.  I had pumpkin soup and curried Thai chicken, and J had a fish stew and fish burger.  We then had our routine celebration splurge...yep, you guessed cream :)  I got a scoop of coffee, and J got a rum and raisin milkshake.  Both were excellent :)  We slept well that night!! Poor J has been soooo tired!

Yesterday we lounged around all day until we went to Port Louis [a rich yacht area] and walked around and looked at little shops and such.  We were out for only an hour or so, but I got burnt again.  I even wore sunscreen.  I give up.  Anyway, we came home after that to listen to our home church's sermon from the week before, talked about it a little, and then we started watching Downton Abbey, the recent PBS/BBC series phenomena.  I had been watching it all week while J was studying and I was left all alone [cue: "Awwwww!"] so this was the first time J had seen any of it.  I've really enjoyed the show, although some of the plot lines aren't the best - I don't think the plots are always have the feeling that you are meant to feel disappointed. Anyway, I can share a post on that later if anyone wants to comment on it :)  We watched the third Star Wars movie last night with Ryan and Marieke [actually, I ended up going to bed] and then this morning was CSA.  We are going to eat lunch now and hang out here for a bit before we head to the beach for a little standing in the water.  J clarified that he didn't want to swim around...just stand. He is still tired ;) 

ANYWAY, this was a super quick update since I want to spend time with him, but also wanted everyone to know we didn't fall into the ocean or anything...since it could happen :)

Praise God from Whom all blessings flow, this has been a wonderful, relaxing weekend and a lot of fun with my boo :)

Love from Grenada.

1 comment:

  1. Yayy a new post! I was waiting for one! ;) I'm glad to read an update about you both having little funs and such :) Congrats J on getting A's PTL!!
    I agree with you about Downton, but it somehow got me hooked from the first time they aired it on PBS haha.
    LOVE you and can't wait for you to come home!! We leave for Middle Earth in only a few hours!! SO excited to see a hobbit!
